Saturday, August 9, 2008

LATEST! Opening Ceremony For Beijing Olympic Games 2008

Finally, the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics 2008 has successfully held yesterday on the auspicious day (for the Chinese at least) of 08 August 2008 at 8.08pm. China has been waiting for 7 years for this day to come and I would say that the whole opening ceremony was spectacular and well planned.

We often hear the saying that life is just like competing in a game. I totally agreed with those words. The athletes had to put in so much efforts, determination, persistence and of course, learning from their mistakes to raise and ensure consistencies in the standard of their game. The same goes to the way we live our life. We're sure to face with various challenges that comes along the way, but what matters is the way we perceive and deal with it not forgetting that it takes strong beliefs to succeed and a clear and measurable goals to achieve what we want. Accompanying with the right strategies and constantly taking positive actions, we'll definitely be successful one day.

Someone may ask, "But, I've seen people who have done everything right but still not succeed till today". Yes! You may be right, there're people who keep on trying but after a few times of setbacks, they get frustrated and disillusioned from their ultimate goal and give up or settle with mediocrity results. Remember, whatever strategies we used, it might not be the right and best strategies to achieve our goals. However, it's important that we realize the that might not be the best-suited strategy and change to a better strategy to achieve our goal. It usually takes numerous times of trials and errors before we finally get what we want. The real force that keep us going should be the way we treat each failure as feedback rather than failure to achieve our ultimate goals.

Get the ideas now?

P/S: I've downloaded the video of the official opening ceremony. Watch Here!

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