Generally, there're 3 ways most people deal with failure(s).
1) People who give up easily/giving excuses/blaming other people/events - In actual fact, such person will usually give up on the very first time they encounter setback. They will start giving all sorts of excuses and blaming other people for their failure.
2) People who keep on trying but after a few times of setbacks, they get frustrated and disillusioned from their ultimate goal and give up or settle with mediocrity results - This type of people are more willing to work hard to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the lack of reviewing their goal and changing to a better strategy makes them stuck in the same problem and never get out of it. Hence, they get discouraged by those failure(s) and lost their sight on their goals. Eventually, they give up or willing to settle with mediocre results.
3) People who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals by continuously taking actions, review and change appropriate strategy if necessary until they get reach the outcome they want - This type of people are usually successful in their life as they have a strong beliefs and desires to achieve their goals in life. First, they will set their goal(s) to achieve, then develop a set of strategies to use and most importantly, taking positive action to reach their goals. Of course, life is never so easy. There are bound to be some failure(s) along the way. However, these people will never let disappointments and setbacks they encountered to overcome them. Instead, they treat failure(s) as feedback, find out what goes wrong, change to appropriate strategies and continue to take positive action until they finally achieve their goal(s).
So, which types of person are you?
I hope this article is beneficial for you. Frankly speaking, most of the people around us belongs to the 2nd group of people. They often set high goals from themselves but only discover that they're being defeated by dreadful obstacles that comes along the way again and again. Perhaps, that was the tests we need to go through in order to be successful. Unfortunately, without consistent persistence and perseverance, most people begin to lose focus and faith on themselves and starting to give up on once their burning dreams. This is sad but true reality that human being are facing all this while. However, this is also crucial in truly differentiate between successful individuals with those living in mediocrity.
Just to share with you on one of my personal wealth mentor, Adam Khoo who has help me alot not only in wealth management related topics but most importantly, to learn with him the influence and power of our mindset, beliefs and habits in determining not only whether we're successful financially, but also on how we see our lives and live to the fullest! I've spend thousands of dollar to purchase his books and attend to his seminar and I'll say that it's definitely worthwhile. Adam has been an inspiration and role model for me that has help me to achieve what I've once thought it's impossible. Through his sharing and influence, 1) I was listed as Top 15% of the whole Bachelor program in University of South Australia not forgetting that I was once an average student with mediocre results. 2) Also, my active income has significantly increased by more than doubled in within a year when I discovered from him on ways to increase my market 'price tag'.
That's why I strongly recommend you to read his books and get his value-packed products which I personally felt it has significantly changes my life. Take your time to read through in detail and obtain his 'Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny Your Destiny Personal Success System'. It helps me a lot in believing in myself again. You too deserved to be successful in life.Click Here To Your Personal Success!
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